GTx Annual Report
Two stories were overlaid in this report pairing both the biopharm and its developmental drugs as focused, selective, targeted, effective and positively impacting the health and lives of men and women. (2006)
GTx Annual Report
Two stories were overlaid in this report pairing both the biopharm and its developmental drugs as focused, selective, targeted, effective and positively impacting the health and lives of men and women. (2006)
Verso Annual Report
The unique position of Verso as "Renew. Able." is told through bright, bold, easy-to-read infographics. (2010)
International Paper Annual Report
"Unfolding the Future of International Paper" created a picture of IP's corporate restructuring and the "Simpler, Stronger" company they were to become by focusing on two key platform businesses — paper and packaging. (2006)
International Paper Annual Report
"A Year of Achievements. A World of Opportunities." was supported with an original illustration featuring a globe made up of flags from the various country's where International Paper has a presence. (2007)
MAAC Annual Report
A call to "bring sound investment home" with the stability and security of this real estate investment trust (REIT). Commissioned illustrations rendered in oil pastels gave a handmade, human quality to the company's award-winning portfolio of properties. (2000)
MAAC Annual Report
On the heels of 9/11 and amidst a treacherous stock market environment, the 2001 annual report for Mid-America Apartment Communities reassured investors that this real estate investment trust (REIT) had a plan for the future that spelled hope and stability. (2001)
National Commerce Financial Report
"The Power of Performance Multiplied" was the story following the merger of National Commerce Bancorporation and Central Carolina Bank. Winner of American Advertising Federation ADDY Award and the American Banking Association (ABA) "Best of the Best" Award. (2000)
National Commerce Financial Report
"NCF Now" told the story of National Commercial Financial's top management and organizational changes in a straightforward manner, ensuring the company was back on track. The result: An enthusiastic response from the investment community and a bidding war resulting in the generous acquisition offer from SunTrust Bank. (2003)
The time for calculating the economic value of responsible business behavior has arrived. It’s no longer good enough to talk about all the good things you’re doing – from sustainability measures to how you serve your employees and communities – without attaching a real dollar value to that behavior. You’ve got to prove that doing good is good business.
Integrated reporting (IR) in which you integrate quantitative information from both annual financial and corporate social responsibility reports (CSR) into one document is going to rapidly become an expected standard. IR requires that you begin to systematize the process of quantifying CSR behaviors. Apart from the fact that this just logically makes good business sense, investors are increasingly looking for this data when researching companies.