Print Grows Trees Logomark
Targeting young influencers, particularly those with an interest in environmental issues, the "Print Grows Trees" logo was designed to seduce viewers even before they absorb its perhaps counterintuitive message.
Out-of-Home Ads
Transit ads strategically placed throughout Washington, DC, drove thousands of visitors to the "Print Grows Trees" website, netted more than 60 inquiries, and reached 54% of the city's adult population an average of 4.3 times during the campaign's first five-week flight.
Times Square NYC
You've heard that a tree grows in Brooklyn. Well, "Print Grows Trees" has branched out to New York City's fabled Times Square. Note the irony of using digital to promote print. There's room and need for both.
A popular way for PGAMA members and other industry supporters to help spread the word that "Print Grows Trees".
Embossed Poster
PGAMA member organization, Raff Embossing, pulled out the stops with this embossed and foil stamped poster, which was distributed at the annual meeting of the Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington (DC).
PGAMA Educational Campaign
Designed to help preserve America’s forests, “Print Grows Trees” was an innovative marketing and education campaign in DC and NYC that reinvigorated industry pride and educated consumers about the environmental benefits of print on paper. Developed for the Education Fund of the Printing and Graphic Arts Association Mid-Atlantic (PGAMA), the Washington, DC-based printing and graphic arts association, “Print Grows Trees” included out-of-home advertising, social media, printed posters, and a dedicated website. The campaign reached over 116 countries and averaged 10,000 page views per month. As a result, PGAMA achieved a 10% gain in memberships.
Download the Case Study: PGAMA “Print Grows Trees” Campaign (PDF 184kb)