Produced by videographer Russ Turman, this short video encapsulates the HopeWorks capital campaign, the impactful work of the organization, the opportunity for growth, and the specific needs that donors could fulfill in order to further this great mission.

Case Statement
The case statement presentation served as a sales tool and conversation starter for meetings with major gift donors, foundations, and local, state and federal grant administrators.
Case Statement
The case statement presentation served as a sales tool and conversation starter for meetings with major gift donors, foundations, and local, state and federal grant administrators.
Building Signage
New building signage was unveiled at an Open House that kicked off the capital campaign and included tours, architectural renderings of planned renovations, as well as refreshments
Infographic 1
Infographics, including this highlighting the Personal and Career Development program, depicted HopeWorks' successes and impact statistics at-a-glance and were used in presentations, case statement brochures and as downloadable PDFs on the campaign landing page.
Infographic 2
Infographics, including this highlighting the High School Equivalency Test program, depicted HopeWorks' successes and impact statistics at-a-glance and were used in presentations, case statement brochures and as downloadable PDFs on the campaign landing page.
Infographic 3
Infographics, including this highlighting the Inmate Rehab and Re-entry program, depicted HopeWorks' successes and impact statistics at-a-glance and were used in presentations, case statement brochures and as downloadable PDFs on the campaign landing page.
Landing Page
Digital marketing drove users to a campaign landing page where prospective donors learned about the opportunity at hand and hope they could support HopeWorks in putting Memphis to work.
Facebook Ad 1
Paid social media posts featured HopeWorks clients whose lives have been changed by their mission. Shalanda, featured here, earned her diploma through HopeWorks' High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) program.
Facebook Ad 2
Paid social media posts featured HopeWorks clients whose lives have been changed by their mission. Ben, featured here, was a graduate of the Personal and Career Development classes, and a former convict.
Facebook Video 1
This paid social video ad featured student success stories from the Personal & Career Development Classes, High School Equivalency Test, and Inmate Re-hab/Re-entry programs.
Facebook Video 2
This paid social video ad featured HopeWorks Adult Education Director Jacob Shock highlighting the HiSET program's outstanding results and the impact it's having on the community.
Facebook Video 3
This paid social video ad featured HopeWorks Executive Director Ron Wade describing HopeWorks bold step into the future and the need for help to bring lasting change to our community.
“HopeWorks for a Better Tomorrow”
After nearly 30 years operating in leased space in the basement of a Midtown Memphis church, HopeWorks was presented an opportunity to purchase a building of their own, significantly below market value, in a more central, neighborhood setting that would increase their physical space from 6,000 square feet to more than 10,000. I facilitated a co-design workshop with HopeWorks leadership, staff and board members to identify and gain consensus on the benefits of the move, the goals of the capital campaign, prospective donor personas and benefits of the move to each donor segment. To reach major gift donors and local, state and federal grant administrators, I developed tools including a PowerPoint presentation, Case Statement Brochure, infographics, client success stories, and partnered with a videographer to create a short video encapsulating the great work of HopeWorks, the opportunity for growth, and the specific needs that donors could fulfill in order to further this great mission. For additional awareness, I developed a digital marketing campaign that used Facebook to reach nearly 20,000 civic-minded and charitable giving individuals in the metro Memphis area. The campaign kicked off with an Open House at the newly acquired building and included tours, architect’s renderings of the planned renovations, and an unveiling of new signage. We then leveraged the holiday/end-of-year giving season to produce a direct mailing to HopeWorks’ mailing list of current donors and supporters.